Your Kindness Can Change a Life
Here are all the ways that you can get involved and support the work of TCEF:
- Become a TCEF sponsor. Your kindness can help transform a child’s life or provide much needed comfort and dignity to an elder through a TCEF sponsorship. You can start right here by clicking Sponsor a Child or Sponsor an Elder.
- Join a TCEF Travel Tour. Every year TCEF organizes tours to India and Nepal. These tours take sponsors and interested persons to TCEF program areas in India, offers opportunities to meet sponsored children/elders, learn and fully immerse into the Tibetan culture. Contact TCEF Director Karma Tensum at tcef@mt.net or karma@tibetchild.org for more information about upcoming tours.
- Host a TCEF Event or help coordinate one. We undertake tours with various Tibetan artists to raise awareness of Tibet and its culture in the West and to seek support for our programs with children’s education. We’re always looking for persons to host TCEF events in different parts of the country. Please contact us at: karma@tibetchild.org to convey interest or for additional information.
- Become a TCEF Volunteer. If you live in Helena or Butte, Montana, please contact us for volunteer opportunities in our office. We’re looking for volunteers with computer and grant writing skills.
- Become a TCEF Donor. Please consider a donation to our general fund or to any specific program. Choose donation method:
One-time Donations |
PayPal |
Authorize.NET |
Thank you for assisting us in furthering the mission of the Tibetan Children’s Education Foundation! Your support will ensure that we continue to support the Tibetan people and preserve their culture for generations to come.
Please feel free to continue to explore our website and learn more about our programs, and feel free to contact us with your questions or suggestions at: tcef@mt.net As well, please join us on Facebook Here!