TCEF dedicates itself to the preservation of the Tibetan culture through education and assistance, raising awareness of the culture, and by empowering Tibetans to carry out these goals.

The Tibetan culture premised on compassion, non violence and altruism is vital and precious not only to the Tibetans but to the bigger global community. This culture is now endangered.  One of the best ways to help that culture survive is to help educate Tibetan children in exile and TCEF dedicates itself to this cause.

Another way to help is to educate and raise awareness of this rich and unique culture here in the West. Over the past ten years, we’ve traveled extensively all over the United States doing hundreds of presentations on Tibet, Tibetan culture and the educational needs of Tibetan children in exile.

It is now over fifty years since HH The Dalai Lama escaped to India in 1959. Tibetans continue to be one of the most repressed people in the world. The spate of self immolations in Tibet reflect how frustrated and desperate the situation is in Tibet. His Holiness The Dalai Lama believes that intentionally or unintentionally, some form of cultural genocide is taking place in Tibet. Many believe that the essence of Tibetan culture may stand a better chance of survival in exile that in Tibet itself.

We can do our part to help the Tibetans – help the Tibetan culture to survive. Please join us to help educate the children, provide comfort to the elders and generally be supportive of a culture from whom we can all learn so much.

Purposes of TCEF

According to TCEF’s bylaws, the objectives and purposes of Tibetan Children’s Education Foundation are:


To fulfill the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and motivation of gaining benefit for all sentient beings.


To support, endorse, fund, fund-raise and otherwise assist Tibetan and other children-in-need as well as adults-in-need in securing worthwhile, quality education, anywhere in the world.


To raise funds, conduct research, produce publications, and organize conferences and courses consistent with the foregoing objectives.


To provide and promote other charitable and social services, including medical, rehabilitation, educational, and counseling services.

Annual Reports


Download our Annual Report 2022            









Areas of Focus


Seat of the Tibetan Government. in Exile. TCEF collaborates with the Department of Education there to find sponsors for needy children living in poor and remote Tibetan settlements.

Clement Town

Location of Kyitsel-ling Tibetan Children’s Education Center. TCEF helped to build this center and runs a sponsorship program there.


Location of Sukhavati Educational Hostel. TCEF helped to build the third floor of the center, will fund Computer Education Program here and supports many children through our sponsorship program.


TCEF will work with Geshe Yonten to provide education to needy children from remote areas in Ladakh.

As well, TCEF assists Tibetan children and elders through their sponsorship programs in numerous other location (indicated in red).

Staff & Board Members

  • Screen Shot 2019-09-22 at 4.35.38 PM

    Karma Tensum – Executive Director

    Karma was born in Tibet and escaped to India as a very young child. His…...Read More

  • Jennifer cropped headshot

    Jennifer Prugh – President

    Since 2009, Jennifer has been passionate about raising money to support exiled Tibetan refugees and the…...Read More

  • Roy Andes

    Roy Andes – Secretary

    Roy Andes grew up in the east, but as a captive to mountainous geography, came…...Read More

  • Roberta Anderson

    Roberta Anderson

    Roberta has had a wholesale silver jewelry business based in India since 1983, and has…...Read More

  • Crystal Waters

    Crystal Water

    My passion for different cultures goes back to a young age. My mother took me…...Read More

  • jane amdahl

    Jane Amdahl

    Jane has been a TCEF sponsor since 2005. She first became interested in things Tibetan…...Read More

  • Alan Davis

    Alan Davis – Treasurer

    Alan Davis is recently retired from the Montana Association of Land Trusts, working for the…...Read More

  • Nyima Dolma

    Nyima Dolma

    Nyima graduated school from the Tibetan Nehru Memorial Foundation School at Clement Town and completed…...Read More

  • Dave Andersen

    Dave Andersen

    Dave has been a friend of TCEF for many years. He has traveled to India…...Read More

Legal Information

Tibetan Children’s Education Foundation is a charitable educational corporation under the nonprofit laws of the State of Montana, United States of America. TCEF exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as a public charity under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(2) & (a)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986. TCEF’s charitable tax exempt status was recognized by letter from the United States Internal Revenue Service on June 4, 1997. The corporation was chartered by the State of Montana on December 22, 1995. A copy of our tax filings can be requested.

Tibetan Children’s Education Foundation
P.O. Box 1403
Helena, MT 59624

406 443 6078  tcef@mt[dot]net